ESLOffice is an integrated workflow software solution designed for carriers and managing general underwriters to underwrite and administer Medical Stop Loss and Group Term Life lines of business.

ESLOffice Software
INTEGRATED. From new business underwriting to policy, premium and claim administration, and then back to renewal underwriting, ESL Office is an end-to-end integrated software solution allowing management to keep a pulse on the business at all times.

Contact Management
An integrated communication and marketing tool for interfacing with all business associates and prospects including brokers, producers, third party administrators, groups and health care vendors.

A complete underwriting workflow solution for quote tracking and management, rate development for both manual and experience rating, proposal issuance and underwriting analytics.

Policy Administration
A policy administration application for Medical Stop Loss and Group Term Life lines of business, maintaining ll rates and terms for premium and claims administration and policy issuance.

Premium Accounting
An accounting application for maintaining all records of premiums collection, fee and commission payout, claim reimbursements, and reinsurance reporting.

A complete auditing and reporting application for both specific and aggregate claims, loss adjustment expenses, reimbursements and reserves.

Block Analysis
An analytical tool for reporting loss ratio and claim/premium triangulations by book of business – combining policy, premium and claims data into at-your-fingertips analysis and reporting.

Medical Underwriting
A risk management tool for communicating claimant underwriting recommendations to underwriters during the underwriting process.

Exchange Queue
A filing queue for claims, notices and quote requests sent from TPA’s and brokers through xchangecentre.
Getting Started
Getting started is easy. ESLOffice is a cloud based software solution accessed via the web. There is nothing to install and no third-party software to purchase. Simply set-up an account with Young Consulting and begin using the benefits of a carrier focused stop-loss software system immediately. Each carrier will be set-up with their own segregated, secure and encrypted database with never any co-mingling of data with others.